Have you ever been frustrated by slow debugging in Visual Studio? If you’ve had an issue with your debugging session being slow due to stack walking, let us know by voting for the UserVoice suggestion to improve call stack performance in Visual Studio. For example variables are often optimized away so cannot be inspected and small functions and properties are inlined so breakpoints may never be hit and stepping can behave unexpectedly.You can also turn on additional collection with IntelliTrace, and specifically you can collect all entry and exit points of all functions.

:-) But which option in Process Monitor could be used to see "if a network (or other file error) seems to be blocking for a long time"?I would look for things such as errors when attempting to open a file or how long operations take (don't forget there are data items you might not seen such as 'Duration' that you can select in Options/Select Columns...). it takes a few seconds to run to a point in your code when not debugging, but takes significantly longer if you launch with debugging. A value of 1 makes Visual Studio (2010) unbearably slow (3-5 seconds for each debug step. the temp files or cache files in your windows" We moved from shipping every 2-3 ...This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. If you see a lot of “A first chance exception of type…” or “Exception thrown…” messages in the Window this is likely your problem.To diagnose this potential issue, you may need to disable “Just My Code”, as when it is enabled the first chance exception messages do not appear for exceptions occurring in “external code” but the notification overhead is still present. There are three distinct debugger experiences that can be slow for you:In the rest of this post we’ll dive deeper on each of those areas trying to offer insight and advice about what could be slowing things down in each case, what you can do to improve the performance, and help you actionably report the issue to us.This is the case where your app takes too long to start when you launch it or when you attach to a running process the attach operation takes too long to complete.Reasons which may cause startup to be slow may include build and/or deploy time, symbol loading, debug heap being enabled, and function breakpoints – let’s look at each in turn.When you start debugging (F5), if there are any pending edits the debugger will trigger a compilation, build and deploy of the application which can take a long time.

Any further ideas?Here's another idea to isolate your problem. Add comment. These include:Let’s look at the impact of each one of those in turn, and what you can do about them.In order to give you a complete call stack for where your application is stopped the debugger performs what is called a “call stack walk” where it starts at the current instruction pointer and “walks” backwards until it reaches the function the current thread originated in.

I just restarted my machine a couple of times and the same symptom. At a very high level a symbol file is a record of how the compiler translated your source code into executable code. When I restarted Visual Studio it attached the debugger real fast again, and it seems like it kept most of my settings.+1 Thanks a lot, really. This means that if you are working in a very large project, you can compile some of the projects you are not actively debugging Retail to improve that code’s performance as well. Any other check lists?I have removed the only one break point on return statement of my Main function, but still very slow to start the application and stop, takes 1 minute or so. Additionally in other scenarios (e.g.

BTW: I did not suffer from this a week before, so I think it should be some configuration issues?+1 Helpful advice, can't believe people vote this down. Your network connectivity to Microsoft's source server may be slow. Any further ideas?Thank you, this was it for me. Is this only an issue with IE or can a plugin in any browser affect things?

For example variables are often optimized away so cannot be inspected and small functions and properties are inlined so breakpoints may never be hit and stepping can behave unexpectedly.You can also turn on additional collection with IntelliTrace, and specifically you can collect all entry and exit points of all functions. At this point I would probably try reinstalling visual studio - maybe something is messed up with the installI reinstalled to another directory but stil the same symptom. I have no idea. From ScottGu's blog linked by Travis: "One other performance gotcha I've heard about recently is an issue that a few people have reported running into with the Google Toolbar add-in. Although deleting your .suo file helps 10x more.The OP has not even told what their spec is. Have you made some changes to visual studio 2017 or installed some extensions?Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" the responses that resolved your issue, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if not. To disable the Windows debug heap, add _The debugger requires symbol (.pdb) files for various operations when debugging.

It is happy now.I had the same issue in Visual Studio 2010, with stepping in the code excruciatingly slow (between 3 to 10 seconds).

These include:Let’s look at the impact of each one of those in turn, and what you can do about them.In order to give you a complete call stack for where your application is stopped the debugger performs what is called a “call stack walk” where it starts at the current instruction pointer and “walks” backwards until it reaches the function the current thread originated in. In this scenario, do not download the remote tools for Visual Studio 2019.)

– marsh-wiggle May 12 '19 at 13:15. This can be beneficial to other community members reading this thread. This was through a combination of several User Voice items (  Please note there are now much easier ways of doing this.

18 comments ... even across a few debugging sessions, after first opening Visual Studio. Once you’ve diagnosed whether first chance exceptions are your issue (or not), remember to turn on again “Just My Code” for all the other good reasons.

Note Assuming your projects are compiled “Debug”, the JIT compiler will not attempt to apply any optimizations regardless of this setting.

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