On this note, I’ll conclude with a few An absolutely unique treasure in any collection on alchemy is »Löwe und Phönix« (»Lion and Phoenix«) by Daniel Hornfisher, which appeared in Germany during the late 1990ies.

Walpurgisnacht is a public event that evokes the Sabbath of the Dark Ages and the fertility rites of Antiquity. This belief may stem from the overlapping of her canonization with Hexennacht or the Night of the Witches, the celebration that has its origin in ancient fertility celebrations.

Hexennacht is a Germanic tradition more prevalent in the 17th century, when witches and sorcerers gathered together celebrate.To protect against their magic, the Western Christian Church appointed the night of April 30 to St. Walpurga’s Feast. Soon after, this practical guide to alchemy was already sold out.

A short background story and a translation into English of the ballad including the music Ernst Ludwig Rochholz, the Swiss historian and folklorist looks closely at the depictions of St. Walpurga and writes in his book “Drei Gaugöttinnen: Walburg, Verena und Gertrud als deutsche Kirchenheilige” (Three goddesses: Walburg, Verena and Gertrud as German church saints) from 1870:This tale serves Walpurga’s depictions of holding a bunch of corn in one hand and the tradition of securing the barns during her intercession. While the celebration of the Germanic Walpurgisnacht begins on April 30th and continues to May 1st, the Gaelic Beltane is most commonly celebrated on May 1st.The origins of the image of Walpurgis night being a witches’ sabbath are unclear. These were said to be wild and orgiastic gatherings at which witches would meet with Satan to plot trouble, mischief and evil for the coming year. In Sweden, people light bonfires, they dress up, dance, and sing in the celebration of spring.It seems that a large part of Europe celebrates its own version of Walpurgisnacht as a traditional welcoming of spring and renewal, which just like Beltane, originates in an ancient celebration of fertility. This mass hysteria coalesced around the belief that Mount Brocken - the highest peak of the Harz Mountains - was the scene of Witches’ Sabbaths. “Witches near Treves”, engraving from about 1600. These customs were especially prevalent in the more remote parts of Germany, like the Harz Mountains, where they continued to bubble away relatively innocuously until the 16th century, when a number of factors collided to spark a widespread hysteria about witchcraft. A traditional divinatory love spell during the night suggests placing a linen thread next to a statue of Virgin Mary and unravel it at midnight as you say:Walpurgisnacht in modern day Erfurt, Germany. Walpurga is prayed to for protection against witchcraft and it is believed that during the night of April 30, she is able to ward off spells, witches, and evil spirits. Walpurgis Night, a traditional holiday celebrated on April 30 in northern Europe and Scandinavia.
However, it is striking that it coincides with Beltane and maybe other pagan festivals  in earlier time. The Inquisition tried to find out the recipes for these secret ointments, and the witches who confessed did so using code names for the ingredients they used. The priests and priestesses attending the Dionysiac celebrations covered their bodies with magical ointments which gave them vivid dreams, hallucinations, or a profound sleep. Traditionally, women must also leap over their brooms, burn the old ones, and set a broom in the doorway to prevent evil witches from entering the house.They also protect the cattle against evil witches, by hanging bells on the cows’ necks. This further rises speculation on the etymology of Engraving from the 17th century by Michael Herr, depicting the events on the Blocksberg on Walpurgisnacht, accompanied by verse from the German poet Johann Klaj, warning against belief in witchcraft.Speaking of mountains and peaks, Jacob Grimm wrote in 1888: Various bizarre rock formations on the Blocksberg have such names as Teufelskanzel (the Devil’s Pulpit) and Hexenaltar (the Witch’s Altar). Legends say that witches flew on broomsticks from all over Germany to gather there and conjure magic, especially during the burning times.Another legend says that Wotan married Freya on the Broken in Schierke, while other legends of devils and witches inhabiting the place were very prevalent due to the Brocken Spectre phenomenon which creates eerie optical illusions and gave raise to many superstitions, all of which inspired Goethe to write about it in his book, Faust.Engraving from 1829 by W. Jury, depicting the Walpurgis Night Scene from Goethe’s Faust.Although flight to the Sabbath is no longer a tradition, Walpurgisnacht is still rich in superstitions and traditions. The ancient fertility rites which were Dionysiac in nature were performed in the cover of the night, when the fire was brighter and when the aphrodisiacs were stronger.The priestess performing these rites were accompanied by men disguised as mythical figures with horns and hooves, such as Faunus or Pan, and they partied for their gods, such as the drunk god, Silenus, and the horseman god, Sabazios.

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