Biography. In his public guise as Magister Hego Damask II of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, Darth Plagueis backed the rise and fall of certain star systems, businesses, and crime lords, earning him many enemies and putting the Galactic Republic into turmoil.One of Plagueis's greatest contributions to the history of the galaxywas training Darth Sidious in the ways of the Sith and the dark side of the Force, whom he incited to take control of the galaxy and bring about a new age of the Sith. The character is first mentioned in the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, in which Palpatine frames his life as a "legend" to lure Anakin Skywalker to the dark side of the Force Trained by Darth Tenebrous, Plagueis mastered the art and science of midi-chlorian manipulation. For the next twenty years, Damask lived an eremitic life in his laboratory, devoting all of his energy to the study of the midi-chlorians, while Palpatine devoted himself to the political machinations that the last stages of the Grand Plan entailed.Additionally, Sidious began training his own apprentice, At some point after Plagueis exclusively devoted himself to his studies (circa Darth Plagueis sought to understand the Force in a purely scientific context, doing away with the trappings of mysticism he believed the Jedi had corseted it with. Sidious, convinced that his master had outlived his usefulness, eventually killed the Muun in his sleep the night before his election and eventually rose to become ruler of the Galactic Empire.Sidious later recounted the tale as The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise—an "old Sith legend"—to sway Anakin Skywalker to the dark side, though Plagueis himself remained a mysterious figure to the Jedi and their allies well into the time of the Galactic Alliance.© 2019 by Sith Lords. Tenebrous trained Plagueis to hide in plain sight as a prominent banking mogul. Trained by Darth Tenebrous, Plagueis mastered the art and science of midi-chlorian manipulation.

Top Answer. One of Plagueis's greatest contributions to the history of Several years before Hego Damask II's birth, his father, a Hego's parents handed him over to Nome as a youngling in return for a career advancement for Caar, presumably arranged through the Dark Lord's shadowy intelligence network. Who trained Darth Plagueis? The Plagueis was a master of esoteric and unnatural aspects of the Force.Plagueis originally had the ability to see into the future but this ability was permanently crippled after his dead Master used transfer essence to enter his body and foresaw his death at the hands of his own apprentice.Darth Plagueis was named as early as the first draft of Plagueis's first appearance of any sort was in the non-Although strictly non-canon, the image of Plagueis in In order to explore the character's appearance following As the team did not know much about Plagueis at first, they started with Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Wookieepedia has a collection of quotes related to Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date.Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

Tor Valum would have been a Dark Lord of the Sith who trained Darth Plagueis and whom Supreme Leader Kylo Ren would have sought so he could train him in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force on the Remnicore system. Character Profile Wikia is a FANDOM Anime Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. But he also experienced a sensation of sadness and loss in the Force. Plagueis realized then that to destroy the Jedi the Sith must exploit their sense of righteousness and obedience to the Republic, making them appear to be the enemies of peace and justice rather than the guardians. After accessing the damaged ship, he realized that he could not repair it, nor could he use the Force to reach the oculus that led to the surface. His codicil wife disappeared without a trace. Sitting across from him, Plagueis held Veruna in a At the same time, he manipulated the limited amount of Once Darth Maul was finished dealing with the loose cannon that was the Monchar-Pavan incident, the Zabrak assassin was recalled by his master to the offworld Perlemian facility, where he was to deliver the recovered Sensing the extremely delicate and volatile nature of the situation, As Palpatine's star rose in the Coruscant political scene, Plagueis carried on his life-extension Palpatine informed his Master of the boy's arrival on Coruscant, and Plagueis felt compelled to meet Anakin for himself. Darth Sidious was the apprentice and murderer of Plagueis.While training Sidious, Plagueis taught him that two Sith were required for their perilous machinations. Plagueis is the 4th or 5th most powerful Sith, only behind the likes of Sidious, Darish Vol, Sarasu Taalon, and is an equal or inferior to Valkorion. Hill was the first victim of the attack, his head sliced from his neck.Darth Plagueis had survived the Maladian attack with grievous injuries—a considerable part of his lower face had been taken off by a One standard month after the attack, Plagueis summoned Sidious to Aborah to reveal the true nature of his studies and experiments to his apprentice. Using the power he amassed through extreme wealth, Plagueis was able to orchestrate the rise and fall of many star systems, crime lords, and policitians, which threw the Galactic Republic into chaos. He was obsessed with the manipulation of midi-chlorians to preserve, extend, and even create life.

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