She was completely in contrast to what an ideal woman should be, flouting all the accepted norms of so-called seemly feminine behavior in society. But more than smart, she was cunning, shrewd and manipulative. its overseas competitors.Although she is argumentative and enjoys talking, the

Scholars LitCharts uses cookies to personalize our services. However, just like her sexuality, she used them to her advantage, by transforming them into her strengths. If she would have been really a woman who believed in asserting her principles and equality to men, then she wouldn’t have used her sexuality as a tool to lure men, she wouldn’t have cheated on her husbands. and her stylish garments. With her Prologue, the Wife of Bath continues the characterization we've already gotten from her... Jankyn.

The portrait of the Wife of Bath in The General Prologue Judging the story tellers. and Ghent) speaks well of Bath’s (and England’s) attempt to outdo “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. She's no stranger to sex, either, having had five husbands and talking freely about her prowess in bed. Instead she would have played fair and stood rigid on her morals. Husband #4. Her mind is slightly confused which is shown by the irregular way she presents her prologue and her story. Having already had five husbands "at the church door," she has experience enough to make her an expert. Sometimes he starts with description of clothes and sometimes he starts describing manners of a character. She does not follow Jesus’s example of only marrying once, nor does she heed his reproach to the woman at the well with five husbands. The Wife of Bath begins her lengthy prologue by announcing that she has always followed the rule of experience rather than authority. She sees nothing wrong with having had five husbands and cannot understand Jesus' rebuke to the woman at the well who also had five husbands. The Wife of Bath claims authority for her tale from her own experience. The Wife of Bath both goes against and conforms to stereotypes: though she takes power over her husbands, she also admits to marrying solely for money. Though men may have all the tangible power in society, women are better at lying and deceiving than men are: though a man may be the head of the household, the woman, according to the Wife of Bath, is the neck, turning him wherever she likes. The chief manner in which she has gained control over her husbands Yes, she was smart, there wasn’t an ounce of doubt in that. how to provide for herself in a world where women had little independence or The Wife of Bath’s violence against the book itself is the equivalent of punching Jankyn in the face: books in medieval society were rare and precious, and even though Jankyn’s book is objectionable, it is still a treasure. surpasses that of the cloth makers of “Ipres and of Gaunt” (Ypres Character Analysis. Not only does the Wife of Bath re-interpret the Bible, she also finds her own textual authorities who agree with her ideas about morality.

After all, she did all that planning to outsmart all her husbands, to fulfill her desires. both senses of the word: she has seen the world and has experience So the fact that the Wife’s sewing Teachers and parents! the Netherlands and Belgium. -Graham S. Though she kept presenting examples from Bible to prove herself correct and people who preach, wrong, she never herself comprehended the spiritual and deeper meaning of the words written in Bible. She sees nothing wrong with having had five husbands and cannot understand Jesus' rebuke to the woman at the well who also had five husbands. way. It is useless, says the Wife of Bath, to try and keep jealous tabs on a wife’s activities: either she will love her husband and be faithful, or she will find some way to cuckold him behind his back. The Wife of Bath. her husbands give her what she demands.SparkNotes is brought to you by Barnes & Noble. She was completely in contrast to what an ideal woman should be, flouting all the accepted norms of so-called seemly feminine behavior in society.

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