In the code above, both launch and intent requests are handled. 0.31.0 Let us know and we'll list your site here!Zappa goes quite far beyond what Lambda and API Gateway were ever intended to handle. 0.28.2 0.44.2 travis-build-repeat - Repeat TravisCI builds to avoid stale test results. for all Lambda resources; Put to all X-Ray resources; and all Network Interface operations to all EC2

0.17.4 Default None.// Create the SNS topic and DynamoDB table to use.

Zappa is a library that makes it easy to deploy Python applications to Lambda. 0.43.2 Default false.// triggerSource from A dictionary mapping HTTP header names to API Gateway context variables// Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. 0.14.3 0.18.1 Use these at your own risk!You can also supply a custom settings file at any time with the Zappa will automatically set up a regularly occurring execution of your application in order to keep the Lambda function warm. Default true. Default false.// Maximum lifespan for the Lambda function (default 30, max 900. Please contact Coding is fun, especially when your “weapon of choice” is Python! This `init` command will help you create and configure your new Zappa deployment. Can also be a dictionary specifying lists of "allowed_headers", "allowed_methods", and string of "allowed_origin"// Optional Dead Letter configuration for when Lambda async invoke fails thrice// Print Zappa configuration errors tracebacks in the 500. Copy and paste these credentials into a safe location for later reference. If you don't have one, head over to 6. Default to None. 0.27.1 If set to true, you _must_ fill out the alb_vpc_config option as well.// enable securing API Gateway endpoints with x-api-key header (default False)// optional, use an existing API key. Also, treat these with the same care as you do with your AWS username and password because they have the same privileges.Back in your terminal, make sure you’re inside the directory repo_stats, then type:In the terminal, create a zappa configuration file by typing:The initialization process is interactive. 0.10.2 You can instead use AWS Simple Notification Service as the task event source by using the Using SNS also requires setting the following settings in your This will automatically create and subscribe to the SNS topic the code will use when you call the Using SNS will also return a message ID in case you need to track your invocations.You can also use this functionality without a decorator by passing your function to By default, Zappa will use lambda's current function name and current AWS region.

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